Advent Reflection, 2020, Week 1

Dear Friends, First of all Happy Thanksgiving! - for many of us, one like no other. I spent Thanksgiving Day Alone! for the first time in my entire life! And I find it amazing how quickly this whole era since the Advent of Covid-19 has changed almost everything, engulfing hearts and minds and holding us captive in many ways. 

From Lent till now, Covid-19 has been in our daily vocabulary. Covid’s advent introduced new fears, new practices, new ways of taking sides, and new ways of coming together. And here we are in the First Week of Advent! The same season of Advent we celebrate each year. The Advent of Hope, and Promise, and Watchful Waiting. In the season of watching the Darkness increase, yet move toward the beginning of new light. I believe the promises of this Advent are more precious than ever. They offer each of us new opportunities to seek new light, new insight, and experience new movement in our lives - toward Hope and New Beginnings. 

Today’s readings affirm so much of what we can hold close – even amidst the darkest times: From Isaiah 64:7 “You are the potter, we are the clay”. ♫ Abba Father♫ is indeed The Potter - that song from decades passed, rings in my ears even as I read the Scripture text from which it emerges this first Sunday of Advent, 2020. The lesson, affirmed during my own Cursillo Weekend in 1979, Proclaims: I am – and you are – in God’s loving care! Always, and in Everything. Then, in the 2nd reading, St. Paul reminds the people of Corinth – and all of us – that “God is faithful” , and it is “by him” that we “were called into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord” 

And in today’s Gospel, Mark asks us to pay attention to that call with all our hearts; present to the demands of every hour of every day. Our job, our task, our mission and our ministry is to be watchful, to be attentive, to be waiting for the call and the signs of God’s presence in, day by day – even in these trying times. Especially in these highly different times, it seems to me. Today, this first Sunday of Advent brings to each of us the opportunity to see with new eyes, hear with new ears, and follow with hopeful hearts, the call of our God to look forward, with HOPE, and Thanksgiving for all that has been – and for what is yet to come. 

In his weekly Scripture sharing, Fr. Jim Martin encourages us to use this extra quiet time to reflect on the beautiful readings from Isaiah with the daily readings as well. A new practice perhaps for this season of Advent, and I would echo his invitation for each of us as we are able. Jesus often turned to Isaiah in his own prayer, says Fr. Michael. 

On Thanksgiving Day, I expected to be totally alone. The doorbell ring at 1:30 in the afternoon! I went to the door, and standing on the sidewalk was my friend Jean Peterson from our Cursillo reunion group. She brought a box from her car, and I peaked in to the biggest array of Thanksgiving Dining I have seen in years – Turkey, Ham, sweet potatoes, dressing, gravy, scalloped potatoes, broccoli salad, green bean casserole, pumpkin role, and apple crisp, and two fresh rolls. It was enough for three hearty meals, and I even saved both desserts to share with my son Jonathan when he came home on Friday evening. That gift of my friend Jean was a treasure – and seeing her smile on the sidewalk a blessing of just one of the beautiful ways God’s love connects his children. Later that evening my granddaughters from Denver and New York and Pennsylvania, Zoomed a Thanksgiving peak at what was going on where they all were. Yes, I was by myself all day, but really, never alone. “God is faithful, by him, we are called into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord” (1Cor 1:9). 

In Closing, I offer my favorite Night Prayer, this First Week of Advent, 

With Blessings All Around, Patty Huffman 

Protect us Lord 

As we stay awake; 

Watch over us as we sleep, 

That awake, we may 

Keep watch with Christ 

And asleep, rest in his peace. 


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